An ensemble of 9 monologues, thematically revolving around some connotation of the word Single.
From a Bandra mother concerned about the single-mindedness of devotion to religion being taught to her daughter; to a mixed-race girl fighting judgment and refusing to be put in a box – metaphorically, of course, that does not do justice to her complexities and nuances.
A mid-level Nagpada smuggler on a date where everything he’s organized is ‘ek number’, but his girl’s running late and he starts delving, in Hindi, into his ambition to be number one; to a cocky actor intellectually masturbating about how everything is about me, myself and I.
A Londoner advocating the benefits of lone drinking in a bar on a weekday afternoon; to a woman recounting how she met ‘the one’ in college in the most simple and inconspicuous way; to a husband, settling the more important accounts of a failed marriage like shared memories, I.P.’s on nicknames with his wife who is leaving him for good; to India, who happens to be a 27-year-old player enjoying the benefits of singledom so much that he needs an intervention!

All the pieces are original. Each monologue is a complete story within itself. Through the monologues, we hope to entertain at the very least, if not intellectually provoke. Solid text in the hands of great actors in a minimalist setting. Insightful. Violently engaging. And the promise of power-packed performances.

Directed by Karan Pandit
Written by Karan Pandit, Devi Giannetti, Ambiecka Pandit & Adam Kay
Starring Karan Pandit, Devi Giannetti, Sushrii Shreyaa Mishraa & Vishal Handa
Performed at the Jeff Goldberg Studio, Mumbai